Cours traitant le Canada et/ou le Québec à l'université de Graz
Semestre d'été 2022
- Frz. KW: Aspects de la culture française (Fokus u.a. auf Quebec)
- Frz. KW: Introduction aux études régionales: Francophonie
- Frz. KW: Introduction aux études sur la culture: Francophonie
- Genres/Periods of American Literature (Life Writing in the United States and Canada)
- Master Research Seminar (Narratives of Loss)
- Specialized Topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (The Theme of Migration in International Short Fiction in English)
Semestre d'hiver 2021/22
- Frz. KW: Aspects de la culture francophone ('Corona Fictions’, minorités et changement social)
- Literary Studies Seminar (Climate Change Theater and Poetry: New Forms, New Approaches)
- Literary Studies Seminar (Cultures of Denunciation – Defamation, Ostracism, and Exclusion in North American Literature)
- Specialized Topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (The Canadian Short Story)
- Specialized Topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (Not much Time Left? Aging in a Time of Climate Crisis in North American Dystopias)